Southern Districts Agricultural Society
Friday 31st October and Saturday 1st November
Establsihed in 1861, the Busselton Show is the longest running show in Western Australia and has grown from very small beginnings into one of the major shows in this vast state of ours
The settlers of the 1860’s were still ‘breaking in’ new land but this agricultural society that they formed was set on very firm foundations.
The initial shows were a combination of agriculture and horticultural displays and was mainly staged to pay out bounties for fox tails and cockatoos.
The first show was held on land on the site of the old Council Chambers at the corner of Adelaide and Queen Streets (where Jacksons Art Supplies now stands). It was probably a modest affair and there was no ‘gate’ due to the absence of fences of any kind. In the following years, the show moved to where the library now stands.
During the 1920’ and 1930’s the merry-go rounds and other rides, the favourite haunts of the young people, were set up on what was then known as Barnard’s Yard, opposite the Commercial Hotel, as there was insufficient room for them on the show grounds.
Finally in 1946 the show was transferred to Churchill Park, its present site. In the ensuing years this has been transformed by hardworking committees into one of the most attractive country show grounds in the state.
how to be involved......

become a member
Members of the public are encouraged to become members of the Society.
Complimentary gate admittance passes are forwarded to financial members prior to the show each year. These passes are for admittance to both days of the show.
You can have a voice in the conduct of the Annual Busselton Agricultural Show
An opportunity to become a member of the Committee
An opportunity to participate in on the district’s longest running community organisations that is patronised annually by approximately 10,000 over the two days of the show
This is an annual membership that covers the calendar year. Tickets provided to you as a financial member of the Society and if they are not used there is no refund of membership fees paid
Go to the Member Tickets Tab for more information

join the committee
The Society is a constituted organisation of volunteers whose purpose is the administration of the annual Busselton Show.
The Annual General Meeting is held on the 3rd Thursday of February each year, commencing at 8pm in the Society's office at Churchill Park, Adelaide Street, Busselton.
All Committee and Executive membership terms are for a period of 12 months and all positions are eligible for election (or re-election) at the AGM by financial members in attendance at that meeting.
All financial members are eligible for to election to the committee.
The current committee is:
President: WJ (Wally) Lord
Immediate Past President: Mr JD Snowdon
Vice Presidents: Mrs Megan Sharp & Mr Kylie Hodges
Treasurer: Deb Babb
Secretary: Kate Jones
Chief Ground Steward: Barry Grimmond
Chief Livestock Steward: Mr Geoff Dawe
Chief Exhibition Hall Steward: Ms Kylie Hodges
Chief Produce Steward: Mrs Jenny Smith
Chief Children's Steward:
Honorary Veterinary Surgeon: Dr Paul Repton
Committee: Includes all office bearers and Kim Harries, Angela Babb, John Martin, Dee Credaro, Ritchie Napier, Jamiee Dwyer, Anne Dwyer

volunteer or sponosor
As a community event the Busselton Show is always seeking Volunteers to work Show Days as well as the weeks leading up to the event.
contact the secretary
There are always an amazing group of local businesses and individuals who kindly donate trophy's and prizes
Our major sponsors